Ad Board & Mentorship

Bettina Bachmann

⚡ Meet our Core Team Member, Bettina Bachmann⚡In charge of PR & Mentorship Circles, amongst others. 

Bettina is a consultant in the energy industry and serves as non-executive board member in software and technology companies. With a background in geophysics (dipl. Natw. ETH), Bettina believes that providing energy for people is an important and rewarding task and has dedicated her career to it. Starting from operational and technical roles, she moved to business leadership roles and finally, fascinated by the possibilities and power of digitalisation, ended up leading a large global software organisation. Currently, her main focus is on the energy transition and the role which digitalisation and new technologies can play in accelerating it. 

Together with her husband, two children and various pets she moved house, jobs, schools and countries many times. Living and working in some remote places, meeting the most amazing people and experiencing their cultures has reinforced her view that humans all over the world are sharing the same dreams and are capable of dealing with the biggest challenges, as long as they can forget their differences!

Back in Switzerland, it is disappointing to see that women and girls are still underrepresented in STEM and in TECH careers. Having experienced working in a male dominated industry and seeing what a difference it makes when an organisation really focuses on diversity and inclusiveness, she is an advocate for supporting women and men to address inequality and gender bias. Joining the team of WIT Switzerland is a great opportunity to work with other passionate colleagues on this agenda of bringing more girls and women into TECH!


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